I don't need February 14 to know how much I am loved...
Danny loves me every day of the year and goes out of his way to make sure I never forget how much I am loved.
He leaves me notes anywhere and everywhere, like here on my car...
Ever since high school he has showered me with flowers, and not just roses for nothing other than to say "I Love You"
He not only takes care of me when I'm not feeling good, but takes care of the little things for me so I can get better...
He makes sure I remember I am his princess and treats me as such even if I feel silly.
We face adventures TOGETHER, encouraging, supporting, and laughing.
He lets me be silly and joins me in craziness.
He encourages me to create and become a better me especially when I risk mistakes.
So today February 14, is just another day that I am loved by my best friend and am better because of his love.
tomorrow and the days after will be just like today.