"God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course. Give me insight so I can do what you tell me—my whole life one long, obedient response."
Psalm 119:33-34 (Message)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Praise Him in This Storm

This week has kinda been a crummy week for me. I have thought about blogging about it but I just never had a quiet moment long enough to put my thoughts together. Even right now it is not all that quiet. Yesterday I was talking to my mom about my week and she suggested that instead of writing about the terrible things this week that I write praises. So for everything that has been hard or depressing I will write a praise about the situation.

Our Situation ....We have a job where Danny has freedom
Bakersfield ....It is still considered Southern California :) and it has cooled off.
Amy and Dave .... The wisdom they have now to pass on
Chris Champion's cancer .... He can still smile and know God is good
Dawn Champion going through this again .... John is caner free right now!!!
Not allowed to eat certain foods .... I am loosing weight and so is Pomie!!!
No girl friends close to me that I can talk about anything to .... Mom, Michele, Amy (my BFF)
Dirt not just dust to clean .... I have a beautiful house that the boys can grow in
Bob still has not found a job .... Pomie has someone who loves her and is happy
The lack of Youth Workers .... Who we do have are awesome and what we need
Feel like I can't do things right .... God still loves me and cares for me

These are a few of the things that have I have been wrestling with God this week (more of the major ones, the other are just annoyances). Even though things can look bad or I don't understand why things are going the way they are I have to continue to remember that God is in control and things will work out for His glory. He is walking right beside me and when the times come that I don't think I can keep going He picks me up and gets me through. He has done it earlier this year and continues to even if I haven't spent time with him. No matter what happens or what you do or don't do God never turns His back on you.

Will you praise Him in your storm?