This past summer has just ended for me as we have officially started the second week of school. The summer kept us busy from beginning, right to the very end with an amazing family camping trip to Yosemite. A place now that we all desire to go back. For me I want to visit Yosemite in every season to see the changes that come with Fall, Winter and Spring... I have seen Summer and love it.
Now as we settle down into a sort of routine, I find myself in a new phase of life. Both the boys are in school all day long. No more kindergarten!! No more multiple drop offs at the same school.
The boys are enjoying their new classes and even getting to play kickball and soccer with each other at lunch and recess.
I have been thinking about this time of my life I find myself in now since January. What am I going to do? What is it going to be like? What can I finally get done? And here I am still without an answer to those questions.
Over the summer God had placed a few things on my heart of what I am passionate about and want to do. The whole time over the summer I kept making excuses of that would be great but ... Yesterday in church God whispered in my ear and asked me if I trust Him. If I trust that He will provide for our needs, He will provide where I feel unqualified, He will provide the time to get what needs done, done. Again He asked me do you trust Me?
So I am sitting here taking baby steps, taking steps with my eyes closed and leaping forward saying God I am going to trust You. Trust that you will make a way for what You have planned and You will guide me when I quit listening to the "world" and keep my eyes on You.
I am excited and nervous. This summer I have learned that I have to take steps to get somewhere. I have learned that what seems to me as a mistake is really a lesson to learn how to do it better. I have learned that everyone starts at the beginning. I have learned that I have to make things happen it won't just fall out of the sky.
Pray with me as I venture out on this new adventure, not sure where I am going or what I am going to find along the way. But my bags are packed and I am moving forward ready to see something amazing that God is going to do.