Oh did I mention that we also had both Crush and Rusty our dogs...
On the way we were going to meet up with Matt and Michele and Halle (Makayla and Brianna were already out in Mesa with Nana and Papa). We were going to meet up in St George or somewhere like that.... We found them right outside the border to Nevada with a flat tire on the pop up. Anyways we got it fixed and to make a long, long story short we followed them all the way to Mesa going 40-50 mph. This is what majority of the trip looked like for us, when it was daylight.
There was so much to do, but the kids (big and little) found that the pond was the best place to hang out. So the big kids decided to build a dock to make it easy to play in the pond. They did a good job.
These are just a few of the pond pics
We had a lot of good food. Dad/Papa would make Belgian waffles every morning and there was always fresh whipped cream and strawberries to put on them. Then we found the blueberries to add to it as well. There was a lot of time that we just hung out and enjoyed the peace and quiet.