"To be Queen Elizabeth within a definite are, deciding sales, banquets, labors, and holidays; to be Whitley within a certain are, providing toys, boots, cakes, and books; to be Aristotle within a certain area teaching morals, manners, theology, and hygiene; I can understand how this might exhaust the mind, but I cannot imagine how it could narrow it. How can it be a large career to tell other people's children the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one's own children about the universe? How can is be broad to be the same thing to everyone and narrow to be everything to someone? No, a woman's function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute."
~G. K. Chesterton 'What's Wrong with the World'
This past weekend was Mother's Day and I was lucky enough to share it with my mom and my boys. It was a nice weekend, and I enjoyed hanging out with my mom and having time to talk. So here are some pictures of my mom and boys.
And some of me and my boys from earlier this year.
I am also blessed to have a wonderful mother-in-law, who has become a good friend to me as well, especially this past year. Here are some pictures of the boys with Pomie last year.

I hope that you can love and appreciate all the mothers in your life. I know I do. Thanks!!!