These tiny moments in life could easily have been missed if I answered my cell phone, or listened to the radio, or was in such a hurry to get home I couldn't pay attention to my big little guy. These are things that have become so much apart of our lives that we don't realize what we are missing or not paying attention to when they consume us.
When Cody was born I remember not thinking twice about missing that TV show or movie or phone call because I was playing with Cody or just watching him. I think that once a month or once a quarter, whenever it is needed, we should sit down and evaluate what it is that consumes our time. What are we saying is important to us? Are we making those we love wait till we are finished with what we are doing? We live in a time of busyness and endless distractions and total chaos that we need to make sure that those who are important to us know they are more important because at the end of the day you can never have that time back.
Make the time to enjoy the little things in life.